Monday, April 5, 2010

A recent game

The below game is one I played recently at the club I used to attend regularly. I have a few games in my database that have the same opponent and of course with the same result. This player has been a master before, so what did I expect? I was lucky I stayed in the game that long against him.

[Event "Chess Club Ladder"]
[Site "Chess Club"]
[Date "2010.03.18"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Me"]
[Black "My opponent"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteUSCF "1737"]
[BlackElo "2113"]
[ECO "C00q"]
[EventDate "2010.03.18"]
[TimeControl "G90"]

1. e4 e6
2. d3 d5
3. Nd2 c5
4. g3 Nc6
5. Bg2 h5
6. Ngf3 Be7
7. h4 Nf6
8. O-O Qc7
9. c3 Bd7
10. Re1 O-O-O
11. Ng5 Rdf8
12. Ndf3 Ng4
13. exd5 exd5
14. Bf4 Bd6
15. Bxd6 Qxd6
16. d4 cxd4
17. Nxd4 Nce5
18. Ndf3 f6
19. Ne4 Qc6
20. Nd4 Qb6
21. Nd2 g5
22. f3 Nh6
23. hxg5 Nf5
24. gxf6 Nxd4
25. cxd4 Qxd4+

26. Kh2?? What could have possibly been worse than this move?
26 ... Ng4+
27. fxg4? hxg4+
28. Bh3 Rxh3+
29. Kg2 Rh2+

Kings Gambit

I finished this book about three months ago. I just never got up the gumption to post about it. The book is called Kings Gambit by Paul Hoffman published by Hyperion Books in 2007 at 433 pages. The book is about the author and his travels through the chess world as a boy with his father and later as an author/interviewer of top notch chess players and other such characters involved with chess. From his encounter with Rossolimo, a grandmaster renowned for his variation in the Sicilian Defense, to his interview with Nigel Short and others, he scrutinizes championship chess and his own chess experiences with a fine toothed comb.Here is a web page about Paul Hoffman and this book.
Paul talks about Pandolfini whom he has known since childhood. Pandolfini has been involved in chess for a long time as a coach and famous personality.Pascal Charbonneau, Anatoly Karpov, Gary Kasparov, Deep Blue,Maurice Ashley, Jennifer Shahade, Kramnik, Joel Lautier, Henri Grob, Claude Bloodgood, Victor Korchnoi, Susan Polgar, Paul Truong, Aleksander Wojtkiewicz, Irina Krush, Muammar Gadhafi, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, and Nigel Short are just some of his many subjects of writing in this book. I liked it, a good read. Too bad I took too long before posting about it. I seem to have forgotten much about it.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Did some more reading,etc.

Okay, I guess I am pretty slow about posting things on my chess blog. Over the winter, I have read a few more books and am going to post about them before I finish reading another one. The first book is called Kings Gambit. The other book is called Finding Bobby Fischer. Hopefully, I will get my opinions about both books posted within the next week.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Time Flies

Wow! Has it been that long since I posted last? Where did all that time go? Okay, here is some more information on that book I read during the summer. How to Beat Bobby Fischer 1997 edition was a fairly good book. Sixty one lost games played by Bobby Fischer and analyzed by Edmar Mednis. Thoughtful analysis and commentary on most every game. I would have liked to have seen it in Algebraic notation. But this was about the best way you could print a book in English Descriptive notation, to me. All the games had the main lines printed in bold and the variations and comments were in standard text. This made it easier, to me anyways, to navigate the book. I don't have access to a prior copy of the book before the 1997 edition. But I am assuming that the Part Five: 1972-1997 section of the book was added starting with this 1997 edition. It covers some talk about the Fischer-Spassky rematch of 1992. But there are no games analyzed or shown in this section. Besides that, I thought it was a fairly decent book. I learned that even theee very best of the best in chess can get his behind handed to him every once in a while!