Sunday, February 2, 2014

First Teamleague game since 2000 or 2001

Okay. So I usually have not had enough consistent time in the past to play on a team on FICS or ICC. But  I thought I would ask around and find someone who needed an alternate every once in a while. The ArchBishops were kind enough to pick me up as a spare. Here is my first team league game in 13 to 14 years:

Event "FICS standard game"]
[Site "Free Internet Chess Server"]
[Date "2014.02.02"]
[Time "14:59:37 GMT"]
[Round "-"]
[White "canilla"]
[Black "BOTCHvinik"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "1812"]
[BlackElo "1902"]
[TimeControl "2700+45"]

1.e4 c5
KRMCHESS(2049) whispers: 2. c3 is usually drawish
BOTCHvinik(1902) whispers: yum
BOTCHvinik(1902) whispers: biscuit and cheese
BOTCHvinik(1902) whispers: peanutbutter toast
BOTCHvinik(1902) whispers: dunkin donuts coffee
BOTCHvinik(1902) whispers: mmmmm
KRMCHESS(2049) whispers: I think white might be better. I thought only 2... Nf6 and 2... d5 were playable for black. Having said that I don't know if 3. d4 is correct way to exploit black's inaccuracy as I haven't learnt theory of that line
KRMCHESS(2049) whispers: This could even turn into a morra gambit, I guess it depends on what canilla wants to play :P
KayVee(1503) whispers: dunkin donuts - thats a close geography - you must be "close by" botch
3...cxd4 4.cxd4
donpachi(2015) whispers: 3....cxd4 didnt look right to me, 3....Nf6 would have been 'normal' i think
KRMCHESS(2049) whispers: well even 3... Nf6 leaves 4. dxc5. I think it's more 2... Nf6 that black needs to play for a normal position
KRMCHESS(2049) whispers: wait, you're right, forgot e4 hangs
BOTCHvinik(1902) whispers: he moved a horse
BOTCHvinik(1902) whispers: of course
donpachi(2015) whispers: well after 3....Nf6 4.dxc5 Nxe4 is not advisable (Qa4+) but after 4...Nc6 black is ok if i remember correctly
BOTCHvinik(1902) whispers: can black get into trouble with this move?
BOTCHvinik(1902) whispers: hmm
BOTCHvinik(1902) whispers: wow! look at all the perty observers!
KRMCHESS(2049) whispers: I forgot about Qa4+, I guess I really need to refresh my sicilian theory even if I don't play these lines for either side!
BOTCHvinik(1902) whispers: My first teamleague game in 13 er 14 years
BOTCHvinik(1902) whispers: woohoo!
BOTCHvinik(1902) whispers: when does the hathmeister game start?
BOTCHvinik(1902) whispers: my opponent must have gone to the loo}
BOTCHvinik(1902) whispers: conservative
BOTCHvinik(1902) whispers: is black on the road to hurt here?
BOTCHvinik(1902) whispers: perhappenstance
BOTCHvinik(1902) whispers: DragonAce on deck with Hathmeister
BOTCHvinik(1902) whispers: i wish i was a bit taller
BOTCHvinik(1902) whispers: i wish i was a baller
BOTCHvinik(1902) whispers: a real shot caller
7...O-O 8.e5 Ne8
BOTCHvinik(1902) whispers: :O !BCS->(gasp)
KRMCHESS(2049) whispers: I would have played 8. Nf3 before 8. e5 on general principle to complete development before starting an attack. White has at least 2 tempi needed to complete development although judging by 9. Be3 he may castle queenside
BOTCHvinik(1902) whispers: that middle is like a house of cards
BOTCHvinik(1902) whispers: like the stock market mid century
Nitreb(1531) whispers: Looks like a waste of time - a3 preparing b4 and the Q must retreat
BOTCHvinik(1902) whispers: having all these peope watching makes it feel more like a tournament game OTB
10.Qb3 Nd7 11.Nf3 dxe5
BOTCHvinik(1902) whispers: Rumple Stiltskin in a haystack!}
12.fxe5 a6
BOTCHvinik(1902) whispers: hmmm
BOTCHvinik(1902) whispers: interestink
13...b5 14.Bg5 e6 15.Be7 Qb6 16.Kh1 Bb7 17.Bxf8 Bxf8 18.Rad1 Be7
KayVee(1503) whispers: if only black could get a knight on f2.... fantasy variation of course
KayVee(1503) whispers: and d4 needs to be gone - maybe a sac or something}
19.d5 Nc5 20.Qb4 Ng7 21.d6  Bd8 22.Qf4  Nf5 23.b4 Nd7  24.Nd4 Rc8 25.Nxf5 exf5
BOTCHvinik(1902) whispers: is it time for me to make more toast?
BOTCHvinik(1902) whispers: maybe
KRMCHESS(2049) whispers: I hope canilla manages to convert the win :)
KRMCHESS(2049) whispers: Nd5 works
27.Bf3 Qxc3 28.Bxb7 Qxg3 29.hxg3 Rc4 30.Rc1 Nxe5 KRMCHESS(2049) whispers: 30. Bd5 was very nice too
31.Rxc4 Nxc4 32.d7 Ne5 33.Re1 f6 34.Bxa6 Kf8 35.Bxb5 Ke7
KRMCHESS(2049) whispers: Now endgame looks fairly easy for white. I don't think black can stop queenside pawns and pawn on d7 is a terrible thorn in his side
36.Kg1 Bb6+ 37.Kf1 h5 38.a4 Bd4 39.Rd1 Bb6 40.a5 Bd8 41.a6 Bb6 42.a7 Bxa7 43.d8=Q+ {BOTCHvinik resigns} 1-0

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